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Our experienced Italian Master Roaster applies two different methods for roasting our coffee blends using premium Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. Expertly trained in the art of blending beans, he mixes them in precise percentages yielding superb and authentic results.

At the heart of Zebra coffee is passion and after more than 20 years in the industry, our boutique Master Roaster still relishes being in front of his machines daily, from sourcing the beans and mixing the blends right through to roasting the coffee and triple-checking the whole process from start to finish. Additionally, for complete control he chooses to personally manage every aspect of the roasting process using only the finest customized equipment, all made in Italy as opposed to automatic methods.


Zebra Coffee beans are freshly roasted every week in Melbourne, arguably the coffee capital of Australia. As per the motto “More Than Just Black or White", Zebra coffee blends are perfectly balanced and tailored to satisfy every style of coffee drinker from “black to white” and any shade in between.

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